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Do you want to join a group of passionate professionals that really make positive change in the lives of families? Please look at our open positions listed below.
What kind of child care can I use and receive help in paying for my child's care?You can use a Licensed Child Care Center, State-Registered Family Child Care (FCC) home provider or a Family, Friend & Neighbor (FNN). The selection is always parental choice.
What is the process if I select a Family, Friend & Neighbor (FNN) provider?You should inform the Subsidy Case Worker assigned to your case that you would like to use a FFN provider. You must also be prepared to have the potential provider’s full legal name, address of where he/she will be watching your child, provider’s phone number and social security number available when you call. This potential provider will then receive a phone call and will be mailed a packet that must be completed and returned immediately. New requirements must be met by your potential provider before payment can be approved. IMPORTANT: Due to new state mandated requirements the timeframe to complete all the requirements can take approximately five through eight weeks. We will not back pay, parents / applicants will have to pay out of pocket until the prospective provider has completed all the requirements and has been approved.
How often should a provider expect to be paid?Once the contract is received, the provider can expect to receive payment on a bi-weekly basis which will be direct deposited into their bank account.
I submitted an application for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP); how long will it take to process my application?We review documentation provided by you within 10 business days. However please be advised a response will be sent to you via mail and allow an additional 3 to 5 business days for mailing.
Do you help pay registration fee?Only those clients on the Work First New Jersey Program (WFNJ) are eligible for assistance with registration fee. Up to $50 registration fee can be paid per provider; one time only.
Do you help pay transportation fee?Only those clients on the Work First New Jersey Program (WFNJ) are eligible for assistance with transportation. Up to $2 per day can be paid.
How much assistance will I receive and what is my portion (co-pay)?The amount covered is dependent on your family size, income and whether you need full-time or part-time care. The exact amounts will not be known until all of the listed information has been approved and entered in the state subsidy systems.
Do you help pay occasional care if my current provider is closed due to school closing?Only those clients on the Work First New Jersey Program (WFNJ) are eligible for assistance with occasional care due to your child’s current provider closing due to school closing or holiday.
Can my subsidy payment be stopped or terminated?Yes. Below are some reasons you may no longer receive help in paying for child care (based on the subsidy program you are approved for). Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) Your activity has ended or you stop attending You have not submitted employment documents to your case worker You have not paid your portion of child care cost (co-pay) You failed to return the annual redetermination application and eligibility documents You are no longer eligible Child Care Assistance PRogram (CCAP): You move out of New Jersey Your income increases over the 85 % of the SMI income scale You stop working or attending school for more than three months You have not paid your portion of child care cost (co-pay) You failed to return the annual redetermination application and eligibility documents You are no longer eligible For a complete list you can read your Parent Handbook or speak to a Subsidy Case Manager.
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